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Coming To The Light

Writer: Morgan's MissionMorgan's Mission

Updated: Jun 10, 2019

So many things have popped up and so many things have come to light in the last few weeks since we have been home.

Bailey is finally at a great place and is starting to look forward to more things and putting herself out there more to better help others. She has been presented with amazing projects that she is finding time to put effort into, however, I have been informed it is summer and teen advocates deserve a break :) THIS to me is a good sign. This shows me that while she knows her voice is important not only to others but also to herself. She knows that if she allows herself to get too wrapped up in everything else then she will lose herself and her light. So many cant figure that out at 30 and here she is at just 14 knowing she needs to balance her life. She knows she still needs to be a kid. How did we miss that our little girl has aged 20 years in such a short time? Simple we as adults are so busy filling our plates and keeping ourselves busy we forget that we need to allow our light to shine and relax! We need to unplug and spend time doing what we love and enjoy doing and not focus everything we do around work!

We need to take time to recharge ourselves and find our inner peace. So as busy and crazy as our lives are between Morgan's Mission, work, sports, school, doctors, therapists and being a family Bailey has yet again taught us a lesson that we need to stop and find time for ourselves to do NOTHING! Watch movies, eat junk food (this I don't like), hang out with friends, play in the rain (when we get it) and to just BE!

Coming to Light can mean many things to many people. For us its about finding the balance so our light don't disappear, for others it is making sure they always see the light ahead of them so they don't give up. Those are the ones we need to guide to things that will help them. It is so easy in todays world to get caught up in the "trends" on social media that belittle how you look, feel or present yourself. There are so many things out there that teens are getting caught up in that are tearing down their self esteem that we as adults have to do more to stop these from happening.

The latest ones being the don't judge me and the belly button challenge. BOTH make teens feel they are less then they really are. Who cares if you can wrap your arm around your waist, news flash your body is not designed to do this naturally. And don't judge me, many are making fun of those who do have scars, look different, have acne etc and then make themselves look normal for the camera. Ok , and I am shaking my head as I write this, girls you are going to have skin changes, your going to have girls who don't pluck the same as others, your going to have days you do not feel like wearing make up or doing your hair and you know what WHO CARES! That is your body and your choice! THAT is what matters! Guys you also will have skin changes, some get facial hair at different times (heredity cant be helped) your going to have some with acne and guys who "manscape" and others who don't and you know what WHO CARES again this is your body and your choice!

As parents we need to be teaching our children to be happy with themselves and stop judging others based on looks. We need to stop judging ourselves based on looks because honestly we can be just as bad on ourselves and teens can be and guess what THIS is where they see it and learn it.

Women we are our worst critic and we can be brutal! And at what cost? Our daughters and sons see this and think this is how women should be viewed and treated!

So with that being said I have learnt a lot from my daughter the last couple weeks yet again. Life happens and sometimes life sucks but for all of us its a process that we can either live to the fullest each day OR we can choose to just exist and let most of life pass us by. For us we are choosing to live and make the best of each day as it comes and to not lose our light in this life.



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