So it has been awhile since I have been able to take the time to write as so much has been going on and happening in our family.
Those who follow know we relocated closer to the city of Edmonton. We did so for a few reasons. One my husband was offered a job in Redwater, two Bailey needed to be around care if an emergency with her mental health came up and three to be closer to allies that we have made.
Many have know figured out Bailey has been writing for Starlight Music Chronicles and that I have started as assistant to the editor. We are also getting ready to launch our first edition online magazine in just a few short weeks.
Family wise we had just had a glorious visit with our oldest daughter and granddaughter. They had come out and spent two weeks with us and we totally surprised Bailey!!!
Other then that Bailey has settled into her school without too much trouble, other then climbing a fence and requiring three stitches in her arm and she has even been asked to speak next month on mental health & suicide and how it relates to Morgan's Mission.
We also asked the city of Fort Saskatchewan to Proclaim October 10th World Mental Health Day which they have agreed to do!
And then on an upsetting note we have learnt that Fort McMurray will be losing the child Psychiatrist they worked so hard to get after only three short months leaving families struggling to get help they need for the children.
I must say while I am not surprised I would love to know the true reason why he is leaving. I fear it is due to the lack of resources and the added stress of no organization within the mental health care available in the region.
Its a shame that a region focused on creating a family oriented community is unable to get and keep the resources they need to provide the proper mental health care the children need. A proper Family Mental Health Center with proper staff needs to happen in that community. It is needed as badly as the Seniors Care home! And honestly they should be located close to each other as seniors as they age need mental health care too!
I never thought being an anti bullying advocate, mental health& suicide prevention advocate would see so much heartache. I always knew the care needed was hard to get and the system is not easy to maneuver through but how bad and how little care is out there is honestly pathetic! We should be teaching this in grade school, we should be encouraging students to seek jobs within the mental health field, and we should be fighting for those who cant fight for themselves.
The media is terrible when it comes to properly portraying those who suffer from addiction and mental illness, they feed into the stigma and play fear propaganda with those who don't understand these illnesses and what people go through if they are left untreated or UNABLE to get the treatment they need! If they spent time reporting the little care they are able to receive instead of making them look like monsters then maybe more people would understand and ask the same questions as to why they are unable to get the care they need. More importantly if they stop shaming them then MAYBE just MAYBE more would be more open and willing to seeking out care and treatment instead of suffering in silence and battling each day just to survive!
One thing I can say is I know this magazine launch is going to get people talking, and that's the whole point! Rolling Stones never made it without some controversy and we plan to do the same! I have seen more connection between music and mental illness and bullying then I care too but I also have seen and noticed how music has saved so many from their demons when proper care and treatment wasn't available. But more on that later.
For now know this, while we have taken the time we needed and deserved to settle in to our new lives in a new city, yet again, know we have not stopped our fight against bullying/cyber bullying, mental health care and suicide prevention! Keep watching cause we are not stopping till things change to how they need to be!
Watch here as Bailey shares her thought on Suicide.